Thursday, September 19, 2013


One day I was eating in a giant black cave but then the rocks collapsed. I was stuck in a rock pile! I shouted out ‘Mum, dad!’ but they couldn’t hear so then I started digging my way out. But it was too hard. I saw a beam of light shining from heaven. Out came a pickaxe. I used the pickaxe to crush the rocks. It was as loud as a bomb. When I was out of the pile the sky was black. Then a monster appeared it was the destroyer of destroyers ... Then I woke up it was just a nightmare!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Can you infer what I am?

  • I am stuck on something
  • I am sometimes up high
  • I am growing 
  • I can be cut off
  • I sometimes have a swing on me
What am I?

Can you infer what I am?

  • I am hot 
  • I am deadly
  • I am red 
  • I have rocks floating on me 
What am I?

Thursday, September 5, 2013


One day I suddenly heard a crack I fell down underground. Then I was bleeding.  There was the forgotten diamond sword. It was on fire I threw a rope up I climbed up to the top but then some giant zombies and creeper started to attack me the zombie’s and creeper went on fire. I saw the dark sword I graded the dark sword I sliced the monsters in half. There was the boss creeper it had 8 legs 10 MINS LATER I killed it sucked me in the creeper boss exploded there was his creep egg. The world was saved the zombies turned into people.
By Aaron