Friday, September 14, 2012


This is my 100WC. Please leave a comment.
...looking behind me, I saw...
a huge green rocket. I got out my space gear and I got in the rocket. Then 5 4 3 2 1... Blastoff! The rocket flamed off the ground. The rocket was in the air. Then we were in the space. I jumped off the rocket and I was floating. I saw the moon and floated to the moon. I put a flag on the moon. Next I floated back to my rocket. Then the rocket was there but it had... no food so when the rocket went down to the ground I had lots of food.

By Aaron


  1. Hi, we read your 100 word challange and thought it was great especially for a year three well done. Please read our story Lauren Isabella and Lena-paige.

  2. Hi Aaron
    Can you check your clock settings for me. It says you published your 100WC post at 4:49pm and you did it during class.
    Mrs Natsuch

  3. Hi Aaron
    Great writing. I really like the part when the rocket flamed off the ground. Next time tell me more about being on the moon. What was it like?
    Was it hard to stick to only 100 words?
    Mrs Natusch

  4. To Aaron

    Your 100wc dosen't make sence it say's (then we where in the space)

    from Ashton (:

  5. Hi im Conor here from Ireland.Good story :-)
