Thursday, July 4, 2013


One day the sun turned red it was the sign of danger. Tornadoes were blowing away everything.

                                                      10 years later 

There was an Hero he went to the moon everyone called him MOON MAN for going to the moon. One day the sun turned red again so he went to the sun with a super special cloak that protected him from lava. He used a pipe to take the evil from it.



                                THE EVIL FIZZY MACHINE
‘Ahh it’s a nice day to have a swim’ said Aaron. 'Look it’s the green fizzy machine' it was chasing me then it ate me up. I was in a fizzy world it was awesome. I was in the fizzy machine I was swimming in the fizzy liquid. There was a temple it had a floating fizzy can, it was the fizzy machines heart. I Saw a death timer I smashed the heart in time then the fizzy machine exploded.  I fell out of the fizzy machine but then there was another fizzy machine oh no here I go again!!!        THE END
By Aaron